A documentary about emigration from Valle d’Aosta to South Africa

I am so happy that I had a small role in this documentary about the emigration from the Italian region Valle d’Aosta to South Africa!

I am very grateful to the film maker Joseph Péaquin for involving me in this amazing job!

Here is the trailer of the documentary, whose preview will be in Aosta on March 14th, 2024.

It all started with serendipity: I was doing genealogical research at the Diocese Archive in Aosta last year and I told the archivist that my Customer’s ancestor emigrated from Valle d’Aosta to South Africa.

The archivist told me that a documentary was going to be made about emigration from that region to South Africa, and that the Producer may have been interested in my Customer’s story.

One year later, both my Customer and I appear in the same video!

Despite my shyness and my absolute embarassment and inadequacy in front of a video camera, it was a great experience!

Don’t miss the other documentary about emigration from Valle d’Aosta to the USA, which was made last year.